Top Ranked Makoto Shinkai movie Blu-rays and DVDs

Top Ranked Makoto Shinkai movie Blu-rays and DVDs

Makoto Shinkai, a prominent anime movie persona, with top-rated works and now available on DVD and Blu-ray for reliving the magic.

Last updated: 2023-10-31
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Makoto Shinkai's top anime films, rated by MAL and AniList are as follows: "Your Name", "Suzume", "Weathering With You", "The Garden of Words", "She and Her Cat: Everything Flows" and "5 Centimeters per Second".
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213 min read

If you're a more than novice anime watcher chances are you already have heard the name Makoto Shinkai. His works are known for breathtaking animations, captivating and emotional storytelling. And if you haven't, well, it's about time you did! We're here to dish out the details on the top-ranked Makoto Shinkai movies that have been stealing hearts.

The movies are ranked using scores from MAL and AniList. So, here's the lineup of the cream of the crop:

No. 1 Your Name (Kimi no Na wa)

[ MAL: 8.84, AL: 85% ]

The legendary "Your Name"
Your Name movie
© Makoto Shinkai / Your Name production committee

This is the shining star in Makoto Shinkai's filmography. "Your Name" is a mesmerizing tale of two high school students, Taki and Mitsuha, who mysteriously swap bodies?! The movie showcases breathtakingly beautiful visuals, capturing the essence of rural Japan and the hustle of Tokyo.

Beyond the stunning animation, the film's touching storyline, filled with themes of love, destiny, and the supernatural, has resonated with audiences worldwide. The enchanting soundtrack, including the unforgettable song "Nandemonaiya," adds to the emotional depth of this cinematic masterpiece.

Your Name movie Blu-ray - Toho

Your Name movie Blu-ray - Toho video disc
You can find the DVD variant here

No. 2 Suzume (Suzume no Tojimari)

[ MAL: 8.35, AL: 83% ]

Suzume movie
© Suzume production committee / Makoto Shinkai

In "Suzume," you'll follow Suzume Iwato's enchanting journey. She stumbles upon a mysterious door in an abandoned spa, leading her to a young man with a unique door mission. With new friends and a curious cat, they uncover a world of mysteries. It's a journey that promises surprises and a touch of magic...

Suzume movie Blu-ray - Toho

Suzume movie Blu-ray - Toho video disc
You can find the DVD variant here
And there are even more "Suzume" details and options in this dedicated post Suzume movie Blu-ray and DVD release date announced.

No. 3 Weathering With You (Tenki no Ko)

[ MAL: 8.28, AL: 81% ]

Weathering With You movie
© Weathering With You production committee / Makoto Shinkai

If "Your Name" left you craving more from Makoto Shinkai, "Weathering With You" delivers. It follows the journey of Hodaka and Hina in a world where sunshine is a rare commodity. The film is known for its stunning visuals, Shinkai's signature touch, and a storyline that explores the bond between the characters and their connection to the weather. It's a breathtaking, emotional rollercoaster, with a musical score that will linger in your heart.

Weathering With You movie Blu-ray - Toho

Weathering With You movie Blu-ray - Toho video disc
©2019 Weathering With You Production committee

No. 4 The Garden of Words (Kotonoha no Niwa)

[ MAL: 7.89, AL: 76% ]

The Garden of Words movie
© The Garden of Words / Makoto Shinkai

It follows the lives of two individuals, Takao and Yukari, who form a unique bond as they meet in a Tokyo garden during rainy mornings. The movie beautifully captures their evolving connection and the solace they find in each other's company. As they share their dreams and secrets, "The Garden of Words" explores themes of love, loneliness, and the profound impact of human connections. This poetic and visually striking film will pull in all who appreciate a delicate blend of romance and artistry.

The Garden of Words movie Blu-ray - Toho

The Garden of Words movie Blu-ray - Toho video disc

No. 5 She and Her Cat: Everything Flows [series] (Kanojo to Kanojo no Neko: Everything Flows)

[ MAL: 7.68, AL: 74% ]

She and Her Cat series
© She and Her Cat production committee / Makoto Shinkai / Imdb

Okay okay, it's cheating a bit to add series to a movie list, but it did reach 5th place by score ranking... On top of that Makoto Shinkai doesn't do series often and this one consists only of 4 episodes. In this unique short series, you'll dive into the life of a young woman and her cat, Chobi. The story is told from the perspective of the cat and captures the simple, everyday moments that strengthen their unspoken bond. It's a touching and introspective work that showcases Shinkai's ability to infuse deep emotion into even the most ordinary of situations.

She and Her Cat: Everything Flows series Blu-ray - Toho

She and Her Cat: Everything Flows series Blu-ray - Toho video disc
© Makoto Shinkai / CWF / She and Her Cat production committee

No. 6 5 Centimeters per Second (Byousoku 5 Centimeter)

[ MAL: 7.57, AL: 72% ]

5 Centimeters Per Second movie
© 5 Centimeters Per Second / Makoto Shinkai

If we'd be ranking by popularity this movie would likely reach 4th or even 3rd place, but average score pushes it down a bit... This film is a poignant exploration of distance, love, and the passage of time. Divided into three interconnected segments, it follows the lives of two childhood friends who are separated by circumstances and the challenges they face as they grow apart. The film's title refers to the speed at which cherry blossoms fall, serving as a metaphor for fleeting moments and emotions.

5 Centimeters per Second movie Blu-ray - Toho

5 Centimeters per Second movie Blu-ray - Toho video disc
© Makoto Shinkai / CoMix Wave Films
You can find the DVD variant here
Sum Up

These Makoto Shinkai movies have earned their top ranks through their compelling stories, visually stunning artistry, and the ability to touch your heartstrings. Whether you're a fan of heartfelt romance or deep emotional journeys, each of these films offers something special. So, if you haven't experienced them yet, it's time to embark on a cinematic adventure. And for those who have, the Blu-rays and DVDs are a chance to relive the magic. 🌟🎬🍿

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